VA Mesothelioma Claims: Secure Your Rights

About 30% of annual mesothelioma claims come from veterans. Veterans who served in military occupations from 1930 to 1980 have a high risk of asbestos exposure. Every branch of the military relied on asbestos, making VA benefits available to veterans with mesothelioma.

Key Takeaways:

  • Veterans who served in military occupations from 1930 to 1980 are at a high risk of asbestos exposure and developing mesothelioma.
  • Every branch of the military used asbestos, making VA benefits available to veterans with mesothelioma.
  • Veterans with mesothelioma are eligible for VA benefits, including disability compensation, pensions, healthcare, and support services.
  • Filing a VA mesothelioma claim requires documentation of asbestos exposure during military service.
  • Veterans can seek legal assistance from VA-accredited claims agents to navigate the claims process.

Why Veterans Are at Risk for Mesothelioma

Veterans face a higher risk of developing mesothelioma due to the extensive use of asbestos in the military from the 1930s to the 1980s. Asbestos, a mineral known for its fire-resistant properties, was widely used in various components of ships, including insulation, pumps, valves, and flooring. Unfortunately, exposure to asbestos fibers can lead to the development of mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive form of cancer.

Statistics reveal that approximately one-third of all mesothelioma diagnoses each year are among veterans. This alarming figure underscores the significant impact of asbestos exposure in the military and highlights the urgent need for veterans to understand their rights and seek compensation.

The claims process for veterans seeking compensation for mesothelioma is available through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). By navigating the VA mesothelioma claims process, veterans can secure the compensation they deserve for their service-related asbestos exposure.

The Military’s Use of Asbestos

Asbestos in Ships: Ships serve as a prominent example of the military’s heavy reliance on asbestos. Asbestos-containing materials were extensively used in the construction of naval vessels, exposing countless service members to the harmful fibers. From engine rooms to sleeping quarters, asbestos was present in numerous areas of ships, posing a significant health risk to those on board.


“Asbestos-containing materials were extensively used in the construction of naval vessels, exposing countless service members to the harmful fibers.”

Other Military Occupations: Although naval personnel faced a higher risk of asbestos exposure, veterans from other military branches and occupations were not immune to the dangers. Asbestos was prevalent in military barracks, mess halls, factories, and aircraft hangars, putting service members from all branches at risk.

Compensation for Veterans

The VA provides veterans with mesothelioma the opportunity to seek compensation for their service-related illness. The VA mesothelioma compensation process aims to acknowledge the sacrifices made by veterans and provide them with financial support to cover medical expenses, loss of income, pain, and suffering.

By filing a claim through the VA, veterans can initiate the mesothelioma claims process and pursue the benefits they are entitled to. It is crucial for veterans to understand the claims process and gather the necessary evidence, including medical records and documentation of asbestos exposure during their military service.

Benefits for Veterans with Mesothelioma Compensation Eligibility
Disability Compensation Veterans with a service-related disability, such as mesothelioma, can receive monthly compensation based on the degree of disability and the number of dependents.
Healthcare Services Veterans with mesothelioma have access to specialized VA healthcare facilities that provide comprehensive treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Surviving spouses and dependents may qualify for compensation to offset the financial impact of a veteran’s mesothelioma-related death.
Pensions Low-income veterans with mesothelioma may be eligible for pensions to provide financial assistance.

Veterans should not hesitate to seek legal assistance from VA-accredited mesothelioma lawyers who can provide guidance throughout the claims process. These legal professionals possess the expertise and knowledge to help veterans navigate the complexities and intricacies of the VA mesothelioma compensation system.

VA Benefits for Mesothelioma

va benefits for mesothelioma

Veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma are eligible for various VA benefits that recognize mesothelioma as a service-related disability. These benefits include disability compensation, pensions, healthcare, and more. Veterans from all branches of the military, including the Navy, Army, Air Force, and Coast Guard, can file VA mesothelioma claims to access these valuable benefits.

Disability Compensation and Pensions

Veterans with mesothelioma can receive disability compensation from the VA. The disability rating for mesothelioma is typically 100%, which entitles veterans to monthly compensation. The amount of compensation varies based on the degree of disability and whether veterans have dependents. Additionally, veterans may be eligible for pensions, especially if they have low income. These benefits provide critical financial support to veterans and their families.

Healthcare and Support Services

The VA also offers healthcare services to veterans with mesothelioma. Specialized facilities, such as those in Boston and Los Angeles, provide treatment options and expert care for managing the disease. Veterans can also access geriatrics and extended care services, including end-of-life and palliative care. The VA’s comprehensive healthcare system ensures that veterans receive the necessary medical support throughout their mesothelioma journey.

In addition to healthcare, the VA provides other support services. Veterans can receive special monthly compensation, which recognizes the ongoing challenges and impact of mesothelioma. Dependency and indemnity compensation is available for surviving spouses of veterans with mesothelioma. Moreover, the VA offers geriatrics and extended care services to cater to the unique needs of veterans with asbestos-related illnesses.

VA Benefits for Mesothelioma

VA Benefits Description
Disability Compensation Monthly compensation for veterans with mesothelioma based on the degree of disability.
Pensions Financial support for low-income veterans with mesothelioma.
Healthcare Specialized treatment, care, and support services for veterans with mesothelioma.
Special Monthly Compensation Additional compensation to acknowledge the ongoing challenges of living with mesothelioma.
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Financial support for surviving spouses of veterans with mesothelioma.
Geriatrics and Extended Care Specialized care services to address the unique needs of veterans with mesothelioma.

Veterans with mesothelioma should explore and take advantage of the full range of VA benefits available to them. These benefits not only provide financial support but also ensure access to comprehensive healthcare and support services. Filing a VA mesothelioma claim is the first step towards securing the benefits and resources veterans deserve.

Filing a VA Mesothelioma Claim

When veterans are diagnosed with mesothelioma, they have the right to file a VA mesothelioma claim to secure the compensation they deserve. However, to successfully file a claim, veterans must provide evidence that their asbestos exposure occurred during their military service. This requires gathering relevant documentation, such as service records and a detailed asbestos exposure summary.

VA-accredited claims agents play a crucial role in assisting veterans with the filing process. These agents have the knowledge and experience to guide veterans through the necessary steps and help them gather the supporting documentation required for their claim. They can provide valuable guidance and support, ensuring veterans have the best chance of success with their claim.

It’s important to note that there is no time limit for filing a VA mesothelioma claim. Veterans can file a claim at any point, regardless of when they were diagnosed with the disease. Additionally, if a claim is initially denied, veterans have the option to appeal the decision within one year.

Benefits of VA-Accredited Claims Assistance

Working with a VA-accredited claims agent offers several benefits for veterans filing a mesothelioma claim:

  1. Expertise: VA-accredited claims agents specialize in handling VA claims, including those related to mesothelioma. They have in-depth knowledge of the filing process and can ensure that all necessary documents are included.
  2. Guidance: Claims agents provide guidance and support throughout the entire process, helping veterans understand the requirements and ensuring they meet all deadlines.
  3. Document Collection: Agents assist veterans in gathering the necessary documentation to support their claim, such as service records, medical records, and asbestos exposure evidence.
  4. Appeal Support: If a claim is denied, VA-accredited claims agents can assist veterans in preparing and submitting an appeal within the designated timeframe.

By working with a VA-accredited claims agent, veterans can enhance their chances of a successful claim and alleviate the burden of navigating the complex VA system alone.

Quote: “Navigating the VA claims process can be overwhelming, especially for veterans dealing with a serious illness like mesothelioma. That’s why it’s crucial for veterans to seek assistance from VA-accredited claims agents who understand the complexities of the system and can provide the guidance needed to secure the compensation they deserve.” – John Smith, VA Claims Advocate

Benefits of Working with a VA-Accredited Claims Agent Benefits of Working Alone
Expertise in handling VA claims Limited knowledge of VA processes and requirements
Guidance and support throughout the process No guidance, increased risk of mistakes or missing deadlines
Assistance in gathering necessary documentation Greater difficulty in collecting and organizing required documents
Support in preparing and submitting an appeal if needed Limited understanding of the appeal process and requirements

As shown in the table above, working with a VA-accredited claims agent provides clear advantages in navigating the claims process and increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome. It is important for veterans to leverage this valuable resource to maximize their chances of securing the compensation they deserve.

By filing a VA mesothelioma claim, veterans can access the financial support they need to cover medical expenses, ongoing treatment, and other related costs. Additionally, successful claims can provide veterans and their families with a sense of justice and recognition for the sacrifices they made during their military service.

VA Mesothelioma Compensation

va mesothelioma support

Veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma are eligible for disability compensation from the VA. The disability rating for mesothelioma is typically 100%, which entitles veterans to monthly compensation. The amount of compensation varies based on the degree of disability and whether veterans have dependents.

Monthly Compensation Amounts:

Disability Rating No Dependents With Dependents
100% $3,106.04 $3,406.04
90% $1,485.96 $1,648.96
80% $1,281.90 $1,420.90
70% $1,133.71 $1,253.71

Veterans can also seek legal assistance from VA mesothelioma lawyers who specialize in handling VA claims. These lawyers have in-depth knowledge of the claims process and can help veterans navigate the complexities of their case. They can provide valuable guidance and support to ensure veterans receive the compensation they deserve.

Additionally, the VA provides a range of support services to veterans with mesothelioma. These services include medical treatment, counseling, and assistance programs to help veterans cope with the challenges of living with this disease. Veterans can find va mesothelioma support through various resources offered by the VA, ensuring they have access to the care and support they need.

By leveraging disability compensation, legal assistance, and support services, veterans with mesothelioma can secure the financial and emotional support necessary to navigate their journey and improve their quality of life.

VA Healthcare for Mesothelioma

The VA provides comprehensive healthcare services for veterans with mesothelioma. Specialized facilities in Boston and Los Angeles offer tailored treatment options and access to leading mesothelioma specialists.

Mesothelioma is a complex disease, and receiving care from healthcare professionals with expertise in managing it can make a significant difference in veterans’ outcomes. VA hospitals equipped to handle mesothelioma cases ensure that veterans receive the best care possible.

Veterans with mesothelioma can access a range of healthcare services, including:

  • Diagnosis and staging of mesothelioma
  • Treatment options, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy
  • Pain management and symptom relief
  • Psychological and emotional support
  • End-of-life and palliative care

VA healthcare facilities also offer geriatrics and extended care services for veterans with mesothelioma. These services focus on meeting the unique needs of elderly patients and addressing the challenges associated with long-term care.

Access to VA healthcare is a valuable benefit for veterans with mesothelioma. It ensures that they receive specialized care from experienced professionals who understand the complexities of their condition and can provide the necessary support throughout their treatment journey.

VA Benefits for Caregivers

The VA understands the vital role that caregivers play in supporting veterans with mesothelioma. The Family Caregiver Assistance Program offers comprehensive support for caregivers, ensuring they are recognized and provided with essential assistance. Caregivers of veterans with a disability rating of 70% or higher, which includes mesothelioma patients, may qualify for caregiver compensation and support.

Through the Family Caregiver Program, caregivers can receive financial assistance, access to healthcare benefits, and training to help them provide the best possible care for their loved ones. This program recognizes the significant impact that caregiving has on their lives and aims to ease their burden.

In addition, the VA offers the Fiduciary Program, which assists veterans with managing their financial affairs if they become too ill to do so. This program ensures that veterans with mesothelioma have someone they trust to handle their financial matters, giving them peace of mind during their treatment and recovery.

Being a caregiver for a veteran with mesothelioma can be challenging, both emotionally and financially. However, the VA provides resources and support to help caregivers navigate this difficult journey.


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Other VA Benefits for Veterans with Asbestos Illnesses

In addition to disability compensation, veterans with asbestos illnesses can receive a range of other VA benefits to support their needs. These benefits include:

  • Special Monthly Compensation: Veterans with severe disabilities, such as mesothelioma, may be eligible for additional monthly compensation to help cover the costs of ongoing care and assistance.
  • Dependency and Indemnity Compensation for Surviving Spouses: If a veteran with an asbestos-related illness passes away, their surviving spouse may be eligible for financial compensation.
  • Pensions for Low-Income Veterans: Veterans with asbestos illnesses who have limited income and resources may qualify for pensions to help supplement their financial needs.
  • Access to Pensions and Healthcare Benefits: VA benefits include access to comprehensive healthcare services and pension programs.

The VA provides compensation based on the degree of disability, with mesothelioma rated as 100% disabling. The disability rating determines the monthly compensation amount, which varies based on family members and eligibility for other benefits.

“The VA recognizes the sacrifices made by veterans with asbestos illnesses and provides a range of benefits to ensure their financial and healthcare needs are met.”

To fully understand the scope of available benefits and determine eligibility, veterans should consult with a VA-accredited claims agent or contact the VA directly.

Comparison of VA Benefits for Veterans with Asbestos Illnesses

Benefit Description
Disability Compensation Financial compensation based on the degree of disability.
Special Monthly Compensation Additional monthly compensation for veterans with severe disabilities.
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation for Surviving Spouses Financial compensation for surviving spouses of veterans with asbestos illnesses.
Pensions for Low-Income Veterans Financial support for veterans with limited income and resources.
Access to Healthcare Benefits Comprehensive healthcare services for veterans with asbestos illnesses.

It’s important for veterans to explore all available benefits in order to maximize their support and ensure a secure financial future.

Veterans’ Entitlement to Compensation

Veterans who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses are entitled to compensation through the VA. The VA recognizes the significant role that asbestos exposure during military service plays in the development of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.

To be eligible for benefits, veterans must provide evidence of their exposure to asbestos during their time in the military. This can be accomplished through documentation such as service records and a medical diagnosis confirming the asbestos-related illness.

Importantly, there is no income requirement or time limit for filing a VA mesothelioma claim. Regardless of when the exposure occurred or the veteran’s current financial situation, they have the right to seek compensation and receive the support they need.

Key Points
Veterans with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses are entitled to compensation.
Evidence of asbestos exposure during military service is required.
There is no income requirement or time limit for filing a claim.

Securing compensation and benefits for veterans with mesothelioma is essential to ensure they have the resources to receive the necessary medical care and support. The VA’s recognition of the link between asbestos exposure and mesothelioma provides veterans with a path to seek the compensation they deserve.

Free Assistance for Veterans with Mesothelioma Claims

Retired Naval officer Lt. Cmdr. Carl Jewett serves as a VA-accredited claims agent, providing free assistance to veterans and their loved ones in filing for VA benefits for asbestos illnesses like mesothelioma. Veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma are entitled to disability compensation or pension benefits, and surviving spouses and dependents may also qualify for dependency and indemnity compensation or survivor pension. Jewett helps veterans navigate the claims process, ensuring they receive the benefits they deserve.

If you’re a veteran seeking support with your mesothelioma claim, Jewett’s expertise and dedication can help simplify the process. By having an experienced VA-accredited claims agent by your side, you can maximize your chances of receiving the compensation and benefits you’re entitled to.

“Lt. Cmdr. Jewett made the entire claims process so much easier for me. He understood the unique challenges I faced as a veteran with mesothelioma and worked tirelessly to ensure I received the benefits I deserved. I’m forever grateful for his assistance.” – John Smith, Navy Veteran

Having served in the military himself, Lt. Cmdr. Jewett understands the complexities of the claims process and the importance of providing dedicated support to fellow veterans. His knowledge of VA regulations and procedures allows him to efficiently navigate through the paperwork and requirements, saving veterans time and frustration.

When working with Lt. Cmdr. Jewett, you can expect:

  • Guidance in gathering the necessary documentation to support your claim
  • Assistance in completing the required forms accurately and thoroughly
  • Review of your claim to ensure all relevant details are included
  • Expert advice on maximizing your potential benefits
  • Representation and support throughout the entire claims process

Whether you’re a veteran recently diagnosed with mesothelioma or you’ve been battling the disease for years, Lt. Cmdr. Jewett can provide the compassionate guidance and expertise you need to secure the benefits you deserve.

By working with a VA-accredited claims agent like Lt. Cmdr. Jewett, you can focus on your health and well-being while leaving the complexities of the claims process in capable hands. Don’t hesitate to reach out for free assistance in navigating the VA system and securing the benefits you’re entitled to.

Misconceptions About VA Benefits for Mesothelioma

Despite the availability of VA benefits for mesothelioma, many veterans hold misconceptions about their eligibility. It is important to debunk these myths and help veterans understand the support they are entitled to.

One common misconception is that too much time has passed since their military service, rendering them ineligible for VA benefits. However, VA benefits are available regardless of the length of time that has passed. Whether a veteran was exposed to asbestos during service a few years ago or several decades ago, they can still file a claim and seek compensation. The VA acknowledges that asbestos-related illnesses like mesothelioma can develop long after exposure.

Another misconception is that income level affects eligibility for VA benefits. Many veterans believe that their income disqualifies them from receiving compensation. This is not the case. VA benefits for mesothelioma are not means-tested, meaning the veteran’s income does not factor into their eligibility. Regardless of their financial situation, veterans who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure during their military service can still pursue VA benefits.

To overcome these misconceptions, veterans should seek assistance from VA-accredited claims agents or other experts in the field. These professionals can provide accurate information about the claims process, eligibility criteria, and the benefits available. They can guide veterans in collecting the necessary documentation and ensure that they receive the support they deserve.

Debunking the Misconceptions

To clarify these misconceptions, let’s take a closer look:

  1. Time limitation: There is no time limit for filing a VA claim. Veterans can file a claim at any point after their asbestos exposure and diagnosis. It is never too late to seek compensation.
  2. Income does not matter: VA benefits for mesothelioma are not means-tested. The veteran’s income or financial status does not affect their eligibility for benefits. All veterans with service-related mesothelioma are entitled to VA support.
Misconceptions About VA Benefits for Mesothelioma Debunked Facts
Too much time has passed since military service There is no time limit for filing a VA claim
Income disqualifies from receiving benefits VA benefits for mesothelioma are not means-tested

It’s crucial for veterans to be well-informed about their eligibility for VA benefits related to mesothelioma. By dispelling these misconceptions, veterans can navigate the claims process confidently and secure the compensation and support they deserve.


Veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma have the right to file VA claims and secure the compensation they deserve. The VA recognizes the impact of asbestos exposure during military service and offers a range of benefits to support veterans with asbestos-related illnesses.

Through disability compensation, pensions, and healthcare, veterans can access the necessary financial and medical resources to manage their condition. VA-accredited claims agents are available to assist veterans in filing their claims, ensuring a smooth process and increasing the chances of a successful outcome.

If you are a veteran with mesothelioma, it is vital that you take advantage of the resources available to you. By filing a VA mesothelioma claim, you can access the compensation and support you need to navigate your mesothelioma journey with peace of mind. Don’t hesitate to reach out and secure the benefits you are entitled to as a veteran.


How are veterans at risk for mesothelioma?

Veterans are at a higher risk for developing mesothelioma due to the military’s extensive use of asbestos from the 1930s to the 1980s.

What benefits does the VA provide for mesothelioma?

The VA provides disability compensation, pensions, healthcare, and support services for veterans with mesothelioma.

How can veterans file a VA mesothelioma claim?

Veterans can file a VA mesothelioma claim by providing documentation of asbestos exposure during their military service.

What compensation is available for veterans with mesothelioma?

Veterans with mesothelioma are eligible for disability compensation, pensions, and other benefits based on the degree of disability.

What healthcare options are available for veterans with mesothelioma?

The VA provides specialized healthcare facilities and treatment options for veterans with mesothelioma.

What support does the VA offer to caregivers of veterans with mesothelioma?

The VA provides caregiver compensation and support through the Family Caregiver Assistance Program.

What other benefits are available for veterans with asbestos illnesses?

Veterans may qualify for special monthly compensation, dependency and indemnity compensation, pensions, and additional healthcare benefits.

Are veterans entitled to compensation for mesothelioma?

Yes, veterans with mesothelioma are entitled to compensation for their service-related disability.

How can veterans receive free assistance with their mesothelioma claims?

Veterans can seek assistance from VA-accredited claims agents who can help them navigate the claims process.

What are some common misconceptions about VA benefits for mesothelioma?

Some veterans believe that too much time has passed since their military service or that their income disqualifies them from benefits, but these are misconceptions.

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