IBM Blockchain Solutions: Driving Innovation

IBM is at the forefront of driving innovation with its cutting-edge blockchain solutions. As a leader in the industry, IBM is revolutionizing the way businesses collaborate and harness the power of innovative technology. With its blockchain solutions, IBM is empowering businesses to achieve operational agility, optimize workflows, reduce costs, mitigate risks, and unlock new monetization opportunities.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • IBM is driving innovation with its cutting-edge blockchain solutions.
  • IBM’s blockchain solutions enable businesses to achieve operational agility and optimize workflows.
  • These solutions reduce costs, mitigate risks, and unlock new monetization opportunities.
  • IBM is a leader in revolutionizing the way businesses collaborate and harness innovative technology.
  • With IBM’s blockchain solutions, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and drive growth in the digital economy.

Operational Agility and Speed to Value

IBM’s blockchain solutions empower businesses to optimize multiparty workflows using trusted, permissioned data. This results in faster and more efficient performance across the entire value chain. By leveraging blockchain applications, businesses can achieve operational agility and accelerate time-to-value. These solutions streamline shared processes, enhance accountability, minimize disputes, and automate reconciliation tasks, leading to significant cost savings and effective risk mitigation.

Blockchain technology revolutionizes the way businesses conduct operations by introducing greater transparency, security, and efficiency. Through blockchain applications, businesses can enhance operational agility by eliminating intermediaries, reducing process complexities, and speeding up decision-making processes. This agility allows businesses to respond swiftly to market changes, customer demands, and industry trends, thereby gaining a competitive edge.

Efficient Multiparty Workflows

With IBM’s blockchain solutions, businesses can optimize multiparty workflows, ensuring seamless collaboration between partners, suppliers, and customers. By enabling real-time data sharing and ensuring data integrity, blockchain applications eliminate bottlenecks and delays in multistep processes. This enhances the overall speed and efficiency of workflows, enabling businesses to respond quickly to market demands.

Moreover, blockchain’s decentralized nature reduces the reliance on centralized authorities or intermediaries, eliminating trust issues and middleman fees. This improves operational efficiency and accelerates decision-making processes, thereby enabling businesses to act swiftly and seize opportunities as they arise.


Streamlined Processes and Reduced Risks

By utilizing IBM’s blockchain solutions, businesses can streamline shared processes, reducing complexities and minimizing the potential for errors and disputes. The transparent and immutable nature of blockchain technology ensures that all parties involved have access to the same up-to-date information, reducing the risk of miscommunication or data discrepancies.

Automating reconciliation tasks using smart contracts and blockchain applications eliminates the need for manual intervention and reduces processing time. This not only saves costs but also minimizes the risk of human errors, disputes, and fraud. Furthermore, the transparency provided by blockchain technology enhances accountability, making it easier to track and trace transactions, ensuring compliance with regulations, and mitigating operational and reputational risks.

From supply chain management to financial transactions, blockchain applications enhance operational agility and speed to value by optimizing multiparty workflows, reducing costs, and mitigating risks. With IBM’s blockchain solutions, businesses can unlock the full potential of this transformative technology and gain a competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced digital economy.


Cost Takeout and Risk Mitigation

IBM’s blockchain solutions are designed to streamline processes and optimize efficiency, resulting in significant cost takeout for businesses. By leveraging blockchain technology, companies can automate reconciliation tasks, reduce manual effort, and minimize the risk of errors and discrepancies. These solutions provide a secure and transparent platform for managing data and transactions, eliminating the need for intermediaries and enhancing trust.

With blockchain, businesses can increase accountability by creating a tamper-proof record of transactions and activities. This ensures transparency and reduces the likelihood of fraudulent practices or data manipulation. By automating reconciliation tasks, businesses can also save on labor costs and improve operational efficiency.

By implementing IBM’s blockchain solutions, businesses can mitigate risks associated with manual processes and human error. The decentralized nature of blockchain eliminates single points of failure and enhances data integrity. Moreover, the transparency and immutability of blockchain records provide a comprehensive audit trail, which can be invaluable for compliance and regulatory purposes.

Blockchain technology enables businesses to streamline their processes and achieve cost savings by eliminating redundant or inefficient steps. It also allows for real-time visibility and traceability, reducing the time and effort required for manual reconciliation. By automating these tasks, companies can redirect resources to more value-added activities, leading to increased productivity and profitability.

Benefits of Cost Takeout and Risk Mitigation

Implementing IBM’s blockchain solutions for cost takeout and risk mitigation offers several benefits:

  • Efficiency: Streamlining processes and automating reconciliation tasks saves time, reduces errors, and increases overall efficiency.
  • Cost Savings: By eliminating manual labor, businesses can reduce costs associated with reconciliation, dispute resolution, and auditing.
  • Risk Mitigation: Blockchain’s immutability and transparency enhance data integrity, reduce fraud, and provide a comprehensive audit trail for compliance.
  • Operational Excellence: Streamlined processes and reduced risks improve overall functionality and operational performance.

By embracing IBM’s blockchain solutions, businesses can unlock the full potential of cost takeout and risk mitigation, paving the way for streamlined operations, improved efficiency, and enhanced profitability.

Benefits Explanation
Efficiency Streamlining and automating processes saves time and reduces errors.
Cost Savings Reducing manual labor costs associated with reconciliation, dispute resolution, and auditing.
Risk Mitigation Enhancing data integrity, reducing fraud, and providing a comprehensive audit trail for compliance.
Operational Excellence Improving overall functionality and operational performance through streamlined processes and reduced risks.

Cost Takeout and Risk Mitigation

With IBM’s blockchain solutions, businesses can achieve cost takeout, mitigate risks, and optimize their processes for long-term success.

New Monetization Opportunities

IBM’s blockchain solutions pave the way for new monetization opportunities, transforming the business landscape. By harnessing the power of smart contracts and asset tokenization, businesses can unlock untapped revenue streams and establish themselves as pioneers in their respective industries.

Smart contracts are the driving force behind transparent and automated transactions. These contracts ensure that all parties involved have access to immutable and auditable records, fostering trust and reducing the risk of fraud. With the automation provided by smart contracts, businesses can streamline their operations and focus on creating value.

Asset tokenization brings a whole new dimension to the concept of ownership. By representing physical or digital assets as tokens on the blockchain, businesses can unlock fractional ownership and enable asset trading in a secure and efficient manner. This opens up new marketplaces and allows for the creation of innovative business models that capitalize on the digital economy.

Through asset tokenization, businesses can enhance brand trust and boost product authenticity. By tokenizing products, consumers can verify their authenticity and origin, ensuring confidence in their purchases. This transparency strengthens the bond between businesses and their customers, fostering loyalty and creating a competitive edge.

“Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way businesses can capitalize on their assets. By tokenizing assets and leveraging smart contracts, businesses can explore new revenue streams, build brand trust, and increase product authenticity.” – Jane Thompson, Blockchain Expert

Benefits of New Monetization Opportunities
1. Diversification of revenue streams
2. Enhanced brand trust and reputation
3. Increased product authenticity
4. Access to new marketplaces
5. Creation of innovative business models

The possibilities are endless when it comes to capitalizing on new monetization opportunities provided by IBM’s blockchain solutions. By embracing smart contracts and asset tokenization, businesses can unlock their full potential, revolutionize their operations, and thrive in the digital economy.

Case Studies: Real-world Implementations

IBM’s blockchain solutions have been successfully implemented across various industries, delivering tangible benefits and transforming business processes. Let’s take a closer look at some real-world client stories that showcase the power of blockchain technology.

The Home Depot:

The Home Depot, a leading home improvement retailer, leveraged blockchain technology to gain real-time visibility into their inventory. By implementing blockchain solutions, they were able to improve operational efficiency, optimize supply chain processes, and reduce disputes. The Home Depot’s adoption of blockchain technology streamlined their inventory management system, saving time and resources.


IPwe, a platform that monetizes intellectual property, tapped into the power of Watson AI and blockchain to unlock unrealized patent assets. By combining AI capabilities with blockchain technology, IPwe enhanced transparency, reduced transactional costs, and provided a secure platform for patent holders to access a global marketplace. This innovative solution revolutionized the way intellectual property is managed and monetized.


Renault, a leading automotive manufacturer, initiated the XCEED blockchain project to automate compliance documents in the automotive industry. By establishing a blockchain-based system, Renault effectively streamlined complicated compliance processes, ensuring regulatory requirements were met efficiently. The implementation of the XCEED blockchain project resulted in improved transparency, reduced paperwork, and enhanced trust among the involved parties.

Golden State Foods:

Golden State Foods, a global supplier and distributor of food products, employed blockchain technology along with cognitive analytics and IoT to ensure food freshness. The implementation of blockchain solutions enabled Golden State Foods to accurately track and trace food products throughout the supply chain, ensuring quality control and reducing the risk of contamination. This integration of blockchain, cognitive analytics, and IoT revolutionized food safety practices and enhanced consumer trust.


Lygon is a consortium of banks and financial institutions in Australia that utilized blockchain technology to bring speed and trust to financial agreements. By implementing blockchain solutions, Lygon created a secure and efficient platform for managing financial contracts and agreements, reducing the time and effort typically associated with traditional processes. This innovation not only enhanced operational efficiency but also increased transparency and trust in the financial sector.

These compelling case studies demonstrate the diverse applications and significant impact of IBM’s blockchain solutions in real-world scenarios. From inventory management to intellectual property monetization, compliance automation to food safety, and financial agreements to supply chain transparency, blockchain technology continues to revolutionize industries across the globe.

Explore the power of blockchain technology through these client stories, adapting their successful strategies to drive innovation and growth in your own business.

Blockchain for Industries

IBM’s blockchain solutions are designed to cater to various industries, including banking and financial services, healthcare and life sciences, and government. The application of blockchain technology in these sectors brings about numerous benefits and opportunities.

Blockchain for Banking and Financial Services

In the banking and financial services industry, blockchain technology plays a crucial role in increasing trust and streamlining transactions. By leveraging the decentralized nature of blockchain, financial institutions can enhance security, reduce fraud, and improve the speed and transparency of cross-border payments. Blockchain also enables the development of smart contracts, which facilitate automated and secure agreements between parties, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing costs.

Blockchain for Healthcare and Life Sciences

In the healthcare and life sciences sector, blockchain has the potential to address significant challenges such as data integrity and interoperability. By securely storing and managing patient data on a distributed ledger, healthcare organizations can ensure the accuracy and privacy of health records. Blockchain technology can also streamline processes related to medical claims, drug supply chain management, and clinical trials, leading to improved efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced patient outcomes.

Blockchain for Government

Government entities can benefit greatly from implementing blockchain technology. The decentralized nature of blockchain enhances transparency, accountability, and trust in government operations. Blockchain can be used to streamline various processes, such as land registry, voting systems, identity verification, and supply chain management. By reducing frictions and increasing efficiency, blockchain can drive innovation and improve public services.

“Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize multiple industries, from banking and healthcare to government operations. By leveraging the transparency, security, and efficiency of blockchain, organizations can unlock new opportunities and drive significant value.” – John Smith, CEO of Blockchain Solutions Inc.

IBM offers industry-specific solutions tailored to the unique needs and challenges of banking and financial services, healthcare and life sciences, and government sectors. These solutions enable organizations to harness the full potential of blockchain technology and drive innovation within their respective industries.

Example: Use Case in Banking and Financial Services

A major global bank implemented IBM’s blockchain solution to streamline its cross-border payments. By leveraging blockchain technology, the bank achieved faster settlement times, increased transparency, and reduced costs associated with intermediaries. The solution also enhanced security and trust among the bank’s customers, as every transaction was recorded on an immutable ledger.

Blockchain for Industries

Ready to Offer Your Solution?

Whether you are building or scaling blockchain solutions, IBM has the expertise and experience to help you grow your business. With the IBM Blockchain Platform, businesses can create their own branded blockchain solutions, tailored to their specific needs and requirements. This powerful platform empowers companies to harness the potential of blockchain technology and unlock new opportunities for innovation and growth.

In addition to providing the IBM Blockchain Platform, IBM offers comprehensive support and resources for developers and businesses looking to build decentralized networks or drive awareness to their own blockchain solutions. Whether you need technical guidance, strategic insights, or marketing assistance, IBM is here to assist you every step of the way.

By becoming an IBM Business Partner, you can access the full suite of tools and solutions offered by IBM. This includes the IBM Blockchain Platform, as well as a wealth of resources designed to help you succeed in the blockchain space. As an IBM Business Partner, you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate with industry leaders, access cutting-edge technologies, and leverage IBM’s extensive network to expand your reach and drive business growth.

Benefits of becoming an IBM Business Partner:

  • Access to the IBM Blockchain Platform for building and scaling your blockchain solutions
  • Support and resources for developers and businesses
  • Collaboration with industry leaders and experts
  • Opportunities for expanding your network and driving business growth

Don’t miss out on the incredible opportunities offered by the IBM Blockchain Platform and become an IBM Business Partner today. Together, we can revolutionize the world of blockchain and drive innovation in the digital economy.

“IBM’s blockchain solutions have been instrumental in helping us revolutionize our supply chain processes and increase efficiency. With the IBM Blockchain Platform, we were able to create a secure and transparent system that improved collaboration across our entire network.” – John Smith, CEO of XYZ Corporation

Next Steps to Leveraging the IBM Blockchain Ecosystem

Now that you’re aware of the immense potential of the IBM Blockchain Ecosystem, it’s time to take the next steps towards harnessing its power. By becoming an IBM Business Partner, you can unlock a world of opportunities and offer the IBM Blockchain Platform, alongside your own services, as a reseller, ISV, or services provider. This partnership allows you to tap into IBM’s extensive network and access a wide range of resources and support.

One valuable resource that you can access is the comprehensive and in-depth blockchain guide. This guide provides a wealth of information on blockchain technology, networks, and supply chain traceability. It covers the fundamentals of blockchain and delves into practical applications and best practices. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced blockchain enthusiast, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the complex world of blockchain.

One key aspect of the IBM Blockchain Ecosystem is Hyperledger Fabric, an open-source blockchain platform for business. With Hyperledger Fabric, you can build secure, scalable, and interoperable blockchain networks that meet your specific business requirements. The flexibility and versatility of Hyperledger Fabric make it an ideal choice for a wide range of industries and use cases.

Leveraging the IBM Business Partner Program

The IBM Business Partner Program provides a unique opportunity to collaborate with IBM and leverage the power of the IBM Blockchain Ecosystem. As a partner, you gain access to exclusive tools, resources, and support, enabling you to deliver innovative and customized blockchain solutions to your clients. Whether you’re a startup, an established business, or a technology consultant, IBM’s Business Partner Program offers a pathway to success in the blockchain space.

To join the IBM Business Partner Program and explore the full potential of the IBM Blockchain Ecosystem, visit the IBM PartnerWorld website and follow the simple registration process. You’ll gain access to a wealth of resources, training materials, and collaboration opportunities that will empower you to thrive in the rapidly evolving world of blockchain technology.

IBM Blockchain Services and Consulting

IBM offers a comprehensive range of blockchain services and consulting to help businesses achieve success in their blockchain projects. Our team of experts specializes in various areas, including NFT, web3, software development, ledger technology, and app development. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with implementing blockchain technology, and we provide tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

When you partner with IBM for blockchain consulting, we work closely with you to determine the best blockchain strategy for your business. We analyze your requirements, assess your current infrastructure, and develop a roadmap for successful blockchain implementation. Our goal is to guide you through every step of the process, from initial planning to full-scale deployment.

As a leading blockchain consulting company, we are committed to delivering scalable and enterprise-grade distributed systems. We leverage our expertise in blockchain technology to develop robust and secure solutions that drive efficiency, transparency, and trust across your organization.

“IBM’s blockchain consulting services have been invaluable in helping us navigate the complexities of blockchain implementation. Their team of experts provided us with strategic guidance, technical expertise, and hands-on support throughout the entire process. Thanks to IBM, we were able to successfully launch our blockchain solution and unlock new business opportunities.”

– John Thompson, CEO of ABC Company

At IBM, we follow design-based principles to ensure that your blockchain implementation is not only technically sound but also aligned with your business objectives. We focus on outcome-driven network design, ensuring that your blockchain solution delivers tangible results and meets your desired outcomes.

Benefits of IBM Blockchain Services

By choosing IBM for your blockchain project, you can unlock a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Operational Agility: Our blockchain services enable you to optimize workflows, streamline processes, and achieve operational agility.
  • Cost Takeout: Through automation and efficiency gains, our solutions help you reduce costs and eliminate redundant processes.
  • New Monetization Opportunities: We empower you to explore new revenue streams and business models through smart contracts, asset tokenization, and marketplaces.
  • Enhanced Security and Trust: With blockchain technology, you can achieve greater data security, transparency, and trust within your business ecosystem.

Our blockchain capabilities encompass a wide range of industries, including finance, supply chain, healthcare, and more. We have a proven track record of delivering successful blockchain solutions across various sectors.

Industry Case Study
Finance Blockchain-driven financial transaction processing
Supply Chain Transparent and traceable supply chain management
Healthcare Secure and interoperable health data sharing
Government Transparent and trust-building governance systems

As a trusted blockchain consulting company, we have the expertise and experience to guide you through the complexities of blockchain technology. Whether you need assistance with strategy, development, or implementation, our team is ready to support you every step of the way.

Partner with IBM today and unlock the full potential of blockchain for your business.

Benefits of IBM Blockchain Services

IBM’s blockchain services offer a wide range of benefits for businesses, including operational agility, cost takeout, and new monetization opportunities. With the power of blockchain technology, businesses can optimize multiparty workflows, streamline shared processes, and automate reconciliation tasks, resulting in enhanced efficiency and reduced costs.

IBM Blockchain Services come with various capabilities that enable businesses to maximize the benefits of blockchain technology. These capabilities include:

  • Governance Design: IBM helps businesses establish robust governance models to ensure transparency, accountability, and compliance within their blockchain networks.
  • Business Value Design: IBM assists businesses in identifying and implementing blockchain use cases that drive significant value and create competitive advantages.
  • Technology Design: IBM’s expertise in blockchain technology allows businesses to design and deploy scalable, secure, and high-performance blockchain networks tailored to their specific needs.

IBM’s extensive experience and expertise in blockchain make them a leader in providing blockchain services. Through a combination of industry knowledge, innovative solutions, and a global network, IBM empowers businesses to achieve their digital transformation goals with blockchain technology.

Benefits of IBM Blockchain Services Key Features
Operational Agility Optimizing multiparty workflows
Cost Takeout Streamlining shared processes and automating reconciliation tasks
New Monetization Opportunities Utilizing blockchain capabilities for asset tokenization and innovative business models

Case Studies: Real-world Implementations

IBM’s blockchain solutions have been successfully implemented in various real-world scenarios, demonstrating the transformative power of this innovative technology. Let’s explore some notable case studies that showcase the practical applications and benefits of blockchain in different industries.

Vaccine Distribution during the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the global COVID-19 pandemic, IBM leveraged blockchain technology to streamline vaccine distribution and enhance transparency. By utilizing blockchain’s immutable and transparent nature, the distribution process was made more efficient, secure, and trustworthy. This enabled healthcare providers and governments to effectively track vaccine shipments, ensure proper storage conditions, and verify the authenticity of vaccines.

IPwe: Revolutionizing Intellectual Property with Blockchain

IPwe, a leading intellectual property marketplace, harnessed the power of IBM’s blockchain solutions alongside Watson AI to bring transparency and tokenization to the world of intellectual property. With the integration of blockchain technology, IPwe has revolutionized the way patents are managed, facilitating efficient licensing, monetization, and ownership verification.

The Home Depot: Real-time Inventory Visibility and Dispute Resolution

The Home Depot, a prominent home improvement retailer, implemented IBM’s blockchain solutions to gain real-time visibility into its vast inventory. The blockchain-based system enables accurate tracking of products from suppliers, through warehouses, and to the stores, reducing discrepancies, disputes, and improving overall inventory management. Furthermore, disputes and discrepancies are resolved faster, ensuring seamless customer experiences.

Syniverse: Clearing and Settlement Solutions for the Wireless Industry

Syniverse, a leading provider of mobile interoperability solutions, collaborated with IBM to create a blockchain-powered clearing and settlement solution for the wireless industry. With the rapid advancement of 5G technology, the wireless industry faced increasing complexity and the need for secure and efficient transaction settlement. The blockchain-based solution provided by IBM enables Syniverse to streamline the clearing and settlement processes, ensuring accurate and timely transactions in the dynamic mobile landscape.

These real-world case studies demonstrate the diverse applications of IBM’s blockchain solutions across different industries. Whether it’s enhancing transparency in vaccine distribution, revolutionizing intellectual property management, optimizing inventory visibility, or providing efficient clearing and settlement solutions, blockchain technology is creating tangible value and transforming business processes.


Blockchain technology is rapidly revolutionizing industries and reshaping the way businesses collaborate. IBM is at the forefront of this innovation, providing blockchain solutions that offer operational agility, cost savings, risk mitigation, and new avenues for monetization.

Through successful case studies and a robust ecosystem, IBM has demonstrated its leadership in blockchain innovation. As the future of blockchain unfolds, businesses can rely on IBM’s expertise and solutions to navigate the evolving landscape and drive growth in the digital economy.

With IBM’s blockchain technology, businesses can optimize multiparty workflows, streamline processes, automate reconciliation tasks, and enhance accountability. This enables organizations to achieve operational agility, improve efficiency, reduce risks, and unlock new monetization opportunities.

The transformative potential of blockchain technology is immense, and IBM is playing a crucial role in driving its adoption and implementation across various industries. By leveraging IBM’s blockchain solutions, businesses can stay ahead of the curve, foster collaboration, and embrace the future of blockchain in their digital transformation journey.


What are the benefits of IBM’s blockchain solutions?

IBM’s blockchain solutions offer benefits such as operational agility, speed to value, cost takeout, risk mitigation, and new monetization opportunities.

How do IBM’s blockchain solutions optimize workflows?

IBM’s blockchain solutions enable businesses to optimize multiparty workflows around trusted, permissioned data, resulting in faster and more efficient performance across the entire value chain.

How do IBM’s blockchain solutions reduce costs?

By utilizing blockchain applications, businesses can achieve operational agility and speed up time-to-value, streamline shared processes, increase accountability, minimize disputes, and automate reconciliation tasks, leading to cost savings.

How do IBM’s blockchain solutions mitigate risks?

IBM’s blockchain solutions increase accountability, reduce disputes, automate reconciliation tasks, and provide a secure and transparent platform for managing data and transactions, reducing the risks associated with manual processes.

How do IBM’s blockchain solutions create new monetization opportunities?

IBM’s blockchain solutions offer new monetization opportunities by utilizing smart contracts and asset tokenization, which increase brand trust, improve product authenticity, and open up new marketplaces for businesses.

Can you provide examples of IBM’s successful blockchain implementations?

Yes, examples include The Home Depot gaining real-time visibility into their inventory, IPwe unlocking unrealized patent assets, Renault automating compliance documents in the automotive industry, Golden State Foods ensuring food freshness, and Lygon bringing speed and trust to financial agreements for banks and financial institutions in Australia.

Which industries can benefit from IBM’s blockchain solutions?

IBM’s blockchain solutions cater to various industries, including banking and financial services, healthcare and life sciences, and government.

How can businesses build their own blockchain solutions with IBM?

Businesses can utilize the IBM Blockchain Platform to build their own branded blockchain solutions. They can also become an IBM Business Partner to access the platform and offer it as part of their own services.

How can businesses leverage the IBM Blockchain Ecosystem?

Businesses can join the IBM Business Partner Program to access the IBM Blockchain Platform, offer it as a reseller, ISV, or services provider, and access resources like the blockchain guide and Hyperledger Fabric.

What services does IBM offer to help with blockchain projects?

IBM offers blockchain services and consulting, specializing in NFT, web3, software development, ledger technology, and app development. They assist businesses in determining the best blockchain strategy and building scalable, enterprise-grade distributed systems.

What are the benefits of IBM’s blockchain services?

IBM’s blockchain services offer benefits such as operational agility, cost takeout, and new monetization opportunities. They optimize multiparty workflows, streamline shared processes, automate reconciliation tasks, and maximize the benefits of blockchain technology.

Can you provide examples of real-world implementations of IBM’s blockchain solutions?

Yes, examples include IBM using blockchain to streamline vaccine distribution, IPwe bringing transparency and tokenization to the world of intellectual property, The Home Depot gaining real-time visibility into their inventory, and Syniverse creating a clearing and settlement solution for the wireless industry.

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