Chaffey College Counseling Services – Get Help Now

Chaffey College offers comprehensive counseling services to support students in achieving their academic and career goals. Our dedicated counseling faculty provides personalized assistance with educational plans, prerequisite verification, academic renewal, graduation checks, and connecting students to campus and off-campus resources. We are here to guide and empower you on your journey towards success.

As a Chaffey College student, you have access to a robust counseling program that is designed to meet your individual needs. Our counseling resources are available to help you navigate through any challenges you may encounter during your college experience. Whether you need help with course selection, academic support, or guidance on personal matters, our counselors are here to support you every step of the way.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Chaffey College offers comprehensive counseling services to support students in achieving their academic and career goals.
  • Our counseling faculty provides personalized assistance with educational plans, prerequisite verification, academic renewal, graduation checks, and connecting students to campus and off-campus resources.
  • We are committed to fostering a sense of belonging and supporting students in their journey towards success.
  • Our counseling program is designed to meet the individual needs of each student, providing guidance and support throughout their college experience.
  • Whether you need help with academic planning, personal matters, or career guidance, our counselors are here to help you succeed.

In-Person and Online Appointments

Chaffey College offers flexibility in counseling appointments by providing both in-person and online options. Students can choose the format that best suits their needs and preferences. Whether you prefer face-to-face interaction or the convenience of virtual counseling, Chaffey College has you covered.

In-Person Appointments

For students who prefer in-person counseling, appointments are available at the Rancho, Chino, and Fontana campuses. It’s important to note that face coverings are required for all individuals attending in-person appointments to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone in the counseling office.

Online Appointments

If you’re seeking the convenience and flexibility of virtual counseling, Chaffey College offers online video appointments. These appointments are conducted in a quiet and private place, allowing you to have a confidential conversation with your counselor. To join an online appointment, simply use the Chrome or Firefox browser, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted session.

Telephone appointments are also available for those who prefer to connect via phone. The counselor will call you at the scheduled time, allowing you to have a conversation from the comfort of your own space.


No matter which format you choose, Chaffey College’s counseling services are designed to provide you with the support you need to thrive academically and personally.

Appointment Format Availability Requirements
In-Person Rancho, Chino, and Fontana campuses Face coverings are required
Online Video Anywhere, anytime Quiet and private location, Chrome or Firefox browser
Telephone Anywhere, anytime No special requirements

Scheduling a Counseling Appointment

Chaffey College Counseling Appointment

Students at Chaffey College can easily schedule counseling appointments through ConexED, a convenient online platform. To access the scheduling system, Chaffey College students should select the Chaffey College Student Icon, while non-Chaffey College students can create a guest account.


When making an appointment, it’s important to select the desired meeting location among the three campuses: Rancho, Chino, or Fontana. This ensures that you meet with a counselor at the most convenient location for you.

For seamless access to appointment notes and easy check-ins, it’s advised that students use their Chaffey College Student Panther account to sign in. This will streamline the process and enhance your overall experience with Chaffey College counseling services.

Don’t delay! Schedule your counseling appointment today and take advantage of the support and resources available to you.

Benefits of Scheduling a Counseling Appointment

  • Receive personalized guidance and support from experienced counselors
  • Discuss your academic and career goals with a professional
  • Explore educational plans and ensure you are on track for graduation
  • Access campus and off-campus resources to enhance your college experience
  • Gain insight and strategies to overcome academic challenges

Walk-In Services

Chaffey College offers convenient Walk-In Services for students seeking immediate support and guidance. Now available virtually, these services are designed to address general and transfer questions, provide course suggestions, assist with unit overload requests, and offer guidance with student forms.

Virtual walk-ins allow students to connect with a counselor on the same day, ensuring timely assistance for their academic needs. Whether you have questions about your educational path or require help with administrative processes, our counseling support staff are ready to provide guidance.

Benefits of Walk-In Services:

  • Same-day support for various academic concerns
  • Virtual access from anywhere
  • 15-minute consultations
  • Subject to counselor availability

By offering virtual walk-ins, Chaffey College ensures that students can conveniently access counseling services amidst their busy schedules. Simply reach out to our dedicated support staff during walk-in hours, and we’ll be there to assist you.

Front Desk Support

Chaffey College offers front desk support through the Counseling Support Staff Lobby. Students can easily access assistance with scheduling online appointments or general counseling inquiries through this convenient service. The front desk support is available during designated office hours, ensuring that students receive prompt and efficient guidance.

Support Services Available

The front desk support staff are knowledgeable and ready to assist students with a wide range of needs. Whether you need help scheduling an online counseling appointment or have general inquiries about the counseling services offered at Chaffey College, the front desk support is here to help.

Students have the option to engage in a text-based chat with a front desk staff member for quick and convenient assistance. Those seeking a more personalized interaction can also opt for a video consultation. This allows for a face-to-face conversation, ensuring a more personal touch while addressing your concerns.

Obtain Assistance During Office Hours

The front desk support services are available during the designated office hours. This ensures that students can access the support they need within a reasonable timeframe. By reaching out to the front desk support through the Counseling Support Staff Lobby during these hours, you can expect timely responses and guidance.

Front Desk Support Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

During these hours, you can confidently seek assistance and have your questions answered by the friendly and knowledgeable front desk support staff at Chaffey College. They are dedicated to ensuring that each student receives the help they need to navigate their educational journey successfully.

^Note: The image above captures the essence of Chaffey College’s front desk support, providing students with guidance and support.

Social Wellness and Behavioral Support

At Chaffey College, we understand the importance of social and emotional well-being in student success. That’s why we provide comprehensive social wellness and behavioral support services to our students, both in-person and virtually. Our goal is to ensure that students have access to the necessary resources and assistance to maintain their mental health and overall well-being.

Our social wellness and behavioral support services encompass a wide range of programs and offerings designed to meet the unique needs of our student population. These services include:

  • Individual and group therapeutic sessions: Our experienced counselors and therapists offer confidential and supportive counseling sessions to help students navigate personal challenges and develop effective coping strategies.
  • Case management: Our dedicated case managers are available to assist students in accessing community resources and coordinating care to address any social or behavioral difficulties they may be facing.
  • Mental health resources: We provide a wealth of mental health resources, including educational materials, self-help guides, and information on local community mental health services. These resources aim to empower students in taking charge of their mental well-being.
  • Risk assessments: Our team conducts thorough risk assessments to identify potential mental health concerns and ensure appropriate interventions are put in place to promote student safety.

If you are a Chaffey College student in need of social wellness or behavioral support, we encourage you to reach out to our Social Wellness and Behavioral Support team. Our caring staff is ready to listen, provide guidance, and connect you with the necessary resources to support your mental health journey.

Remember, you are not alone. We are here to help.

“Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. At Chaffey College, we are committed to providing the support and resources you need to thrive.”

Office Location and Hours

Chaffey College Social Wellness Office

The Social Wellness and Behavioral Support team at Chaffey College is located in AD-107, AD-108, and LI-7C. We are easily accessible on campus for students to receive the support they need. Our office hours are from Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., providing flexibility for students to connect with our team.

Our office is designed to create a welcoming and supportive environment for students seeking assistance. We understand the importance of accessibility and have multiple locations to ensure convenience for everyone. Whether you are on the Rancho, Chino, or Fontana campus, our doors are open to help you.

Director of Social Wellness and Behavioral Support

“If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services, feel free to reach out to me. I’m here to assist you on your journey to social wellness and behavioral health. Together, we can create a supportive community for all students at Chaffey College.”

– Director’s Name, Director of Social Wellness and Behavioral Support

Intern Support

In addition to our dedicated team, we also have interns available to provide support during specified hours. These interns are trained to assist students and work closely with our experienced staff to ensure you receive the highest level of care.

Location Office Hours
AD-107 Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
AD-108 Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
LI-7C Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Experiencing a Mental Health Emergency

In times of a mental health emergency at Chaffey College, it is crucial for students to know how to seek immediate assistance. If you or someone you know is in crisis, follow these steps:

  1. Contact Campus Police: In Chaffey College’s mental health emergency, reach out to Campus Police at (909) 652-6911. They are trained to handle such situations and will provide appropriate support.
  2. Dial 911: If the situation requires immediate medical attention or there is a risk of harm, dial 911 for emergency services.
  3. Go to the Local Hospital Emergency Room: If the mental health emergency requires urgent medical attention, proceed to the nearest hospital emergency room.

In addition to the above options, Chaffey College offers support outside of operating hours through their online medical service provider, First Stop Health. This service ensures that students have access to medical professionals even during non-business hours.

Remember, seeking help during a mental health emergency is crucial, and there are resources available to support you.

Short-Term Therapeutic Services

Chaffey College understands that students may encounter challenging situations that can impact their well-being and academic success. To support students during these times, Chaffey College offers short-term therapeutic services, providing accessible and student-centered counseling.

These services are designed to help students effectively manage and navigate difficult situations, enhance their daily functioning, and improve their academic performance, occupational endeavors, and social interactions. Whether you are experiencing stress, relationship issues, anxiety, or other concerns, our experienced counselors are here to provide the support you need.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for short-term therapeutic services, please reach out to Dr. Jennifer Henry, our dedicated counselor. Dr. Henry is committed to creating a safe and confidential space for students to explore their concerns and develop strategies to overcome obstacles. You can contact Dr. Henry directly or email her to schedule an appointment that fits your schedule.

At Chaffey College, we prioritize the well-being of our students and strive to ensure that they have the resources and support necessary to thrive. Our short-term therapeutic services are just one of the many ways we are dedicated to promoting the success and holistic growth of our students.

Crisis Resources

Chaffey College understands the importance of immediate emotional support during times of crisis. We provide a range of crisis resources to ensure that students have access to the help they need when they need it most.

On-Campus Support

If you are on campus and in need of immediate assistance, you can visit the Social Wellness and Behavioral Support office. Our trained professionals are available during open hours to provide guidance and support.

Emergency Assistance

In case of an emergency, please contact Campus Police at (909) 652-6911. They are equipped to handle urgent situations and can provide the necessary assistance.

National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

If you require immediate emotional support outside of campus, you can dial the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). Trained professionals are available 24/7 to provide confidential support and guidance.

First Stop Health App

Chaffey College partners with First Stop Health, a mobile app that connects students with mental health practitioners. Through the app, you can access immediate crisis resources and connect with professionals who can provide the support you need.

Remember, in times of crisis, it’s important to reach out for help. Don’t hesitate to utilize the crisis resources available to you. Your well-being matters, and support is just a call or visit away.

Contact Information

For any general inquiries, students can contact the Counseling Department at the following phone number: (909) 652-6200.

Specific departments can be reached at the following phone numbers:

  • Rancho GPS: (909) 652-6466
  • Fontana GPS: (909) 652-7462
  • Chino GPS: (909) 652-8120

For general questions, students can direct their inquiries to

Placement and Opening Doors of Excellence inquiries can be sent to their respective email addresses.

Explore the table below for quick reference:

Department Phone Number Email
General Inquiries (909) 652-6200
Rancho GPS (909) 652-6466
Fontana GPS (909) 652-7462
Chino GPS (909) 652-8120

Mission Statement

The mission of the Counseling Department at Chaffey College is to create an equity-minded partnership with each student, emphasizing a sense of belonging and supporting them in their academic and career goals. The department is dedicated to the holistic prosperity of students through respectful engagement, accurate services, inclusivity, and empowering approaches.

Expectations for Appointments

When scheduling and attending counseling appointments at Chaffey College, it is important for both counselors and students to maintain a safe, secure, and respectful atmosphere. These appointments are designed to provide educational support and guidance, and it is essential that all participants adhere to appropriate guidelines and etiquette.

“Creating a respectful and inclusive environment is our priority at Chaffey College. We expect all individuals engaging in counseling sessions to treat each other with kindness, empathy, and understanding.”

Students should come prepared to actively participate in the session, ask questions, and provide relevant information to support their counseling needs. It is important to be open and honest during the appointment, as this will aid counselors in providing the most accurate and effective guidance.

Counselors hold the discretion to end a counseling session if a student’s behavior is disrespectful, inappropriate, or violates proper online etiquette. By respecting these expectations, students can ensure a productive and beneficial counseling experience.

Five Tips for a Successful Counseling Appointment

When it comes to getting the most out of your counseling appointment at Chaffey College, a little preparation can go a long way. Here are five tips to ensure a successful session:

  1. Be Prepared: Before your appointment, take some time to reflect on your goals, concerns, and questions. Jot down any important information or specific things you want to discuss with your counselor. Being prepared will help you maximize the time you have together.
  2. Find a Quiet and Private Place: If you’re having an online counseling appointment, it’s essential to find a quiet and private space where you can focus and have a confidential conversation with your counselor. Minimize distractions and ensure that you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings.
  3. Avoid Interruptions: Let your family members, roommates, or friends know that you have an important appointment and ask for some uninterrupted time. Turn off your phone notifications and close any unnecessary tabs or apps on your computer to stay fully engaged during the session.
  4. Have Proper Technology Setup: If you’re having an online appointment, make sure you have a stable internet connection and a device with a functioning camera and microphone. Test your equipment beforehand to avoid any technical difficulties that could disrupt your session.
  5. Give Full Attention to the Counselor: During the appointment, actively listen to your counselor and give them your full attention. This means avoiding multitasking or browsing the internet. Remember, the counseling session is a dedicated time for you to express yourself and receive guidance and support.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your counseling appointment and ensure that you and your counselor can work together effectively towards your goals.

Tips for a Successful Counseling Appointment:
Be Prepared
Find a Quiet and Private Place
Avoid Interruptions
Have Proper Technology Setup
Give Full Attention to the Counselor


Chaffey College Counseling Services is dedicated to providing comprehensive support to students as they navigate their academic and career goals. Whether through in-person appointments or online sessions, students have access to a range of services that address their educational, personal, and mental health needs. The counseling faculty at Chaffey College is committed to fostering a sense of belonging and guiding students towards success.

To get help now, students can easily book an appointment with Chaffey College Counseling Services. Through these appointments, students can unlock their potential and receive the assistance they need to thrive. Whether it’s assistance with educational plans, graduation checks, or connecting to campus resources, Chaffey College counselors are here to help students every step of the way.

Take advantage of the counseling services offered by Chaffey College. Book an appointment today and embark on a journey towards academic and personal growth. With Chaffey College Counseling Services, students can receive the support they need to achieve their goals and excel in their college experience.


What services does Chaffey College Counseling offer?

Chaffey College Counseling offers comprehensive support to students, including assistance with educational plans, prerequisite verification, academic renewal, graduation checks, and connecting students to campus and off-campus resources.

How can I schedule a counseling appointment at Chaffey College?

You can schedule a counseling appointment at Chaffey College through ConexED. Chaffey College students should select the Chaffey College Student Icon, while non-Chaffey College students can create a guest account. Make sure to select the desired meeting location (Rancho, Chino, or Fontana campus) when making the appointment.

Are walk-in services available at Chaffey College?

Walk-in services at Chaffey College are currently available virtually. Students can see a counselor on a virtual walk-in basis for same-day support regarding general and transfer questions, course suggestions, unit overload requests, and assistance with student forms. Walk-ins are limited to 15 minutes and are subject to counselor availability.

Is there front desk support available for counseling inquiries at Chaffey College?

Yes, Chaffey College offers front desk support through the Counseling Support Staff Lobby. Students can chat with a staff member or have a video consultation for assistance with scheduling online appointments or general counseling inquiries. The front desk support is available during designated office hours.

Does Chaffey College provide social wellness and behavioral support services?

Yes, Chaffey College provides social wellness and behavioral support services, including individual and group therapeutic sessions, case management, mental health resources, and risk assessments. Students can contact the Social Wellness and Behavioral Support team for assistance with mental health concerns and access to resources.

Where is the Social Wellness and Behavioral Support team located?

The Social Wellness and Behavioral Support team is located in AD-107, AD-108, and LI-7C at Chaffey College.

What should I do in case of a mental health emergency at Chaffey College?

In the event of a mental health emergency, students should contact Campus Police at (909) 652-6911, dial 911, or proceed to the local hospital emergency room. Chaffey College also offers support outside of operating hours through their online medical service provider, First Stop Health.

Are there short-term therapeutic services available at Chaffey College?

Yes, Chaffey College provides short-term therapeutic services to current students free of cost. These services aim to assist students in managing and working through difficult situations, improving their daily functioning, academics, occupations, and social interactions.

How can I access crisis resources at Chaffey College?

Students can access crisis resources at Chaffey College by visiting the Social Wellness and Behavioral Support office during open hours or by calling Campus Police for assistance. Additionally, students can dial the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline or connect with mental health practitioners through the First Stop Health app.

How can I get in touch with the Counseling Department at Chaffey College?

You can contact the Counseling Department at Chaffey College by calling (909) 652-6200 for general inquiries. For specific departments, the phone numbers are as follows: Rancho GPS (909) 652-6466, Fontana GPS (909) 652-7462, and Chino GPS (909) 652-8120. General questions can be directed to, while placement and Opening Doors of Excellence inquiries have their respective email addresses.

What are Chaffey College’s expectations for counseling appointments?

Appointments and interactions with counselors at Chaffey College are intended for educational purposes. It is expected that both counselors and students engage in a safe, secure, and respectful atmosphere. Counselors hold the discretion to end counseling sessions if a student is being disrespectful, inappropriate, or does not adhere to proper online etiquette.

What are some tips for a successful counseling appointment at Chaffey College?

Chaffey College offers five tips for a successful counseling appointment: be prepared, find a quiet and private place for online appointments, avoid interruptions, have proper technology setup, and give full attention to the counselor. Following these tips can enhance the effectiveness of the counseling session.

How can I get help now with Chaffey College Counseling Services?

To get help now with Chaffey College Counseling Services, you can book an appointment and unlock your potential with Chaffey College Counseling Services.

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